a Global Payments company, provides products and services (“Services”) to support nonprofit organizations and schools (our “Customers”) in their fundraising efforts. The individuals who engage with our Customers and contribute to their fundraising efforts through use of our Services are “End User...
She also chairs the Business Registration Services, a parastatal under the Office of the Attorney General and is adjunct faculty at the Strathmore University Business School. Mr. Andrew Cowan (Age 53) Group Managing Director and CEO, British Appointed Group Managing Director in July, 2016. Mr. ...
Zory Glazer said the ACGIH would discuss itspro- posed standard in January; at that meeting in Cincinnati, final con- sideration of the RF/MW threshold limit value (TLV) was postponed until an April 21-23 meeting in San Antonio, TX. The ACGIH's ra- tionale has been published in ...