该模式完全类似与IPv4下的DHCP。该模式下,需要一个DHCPv6服务器来处理IP的租赁及额外信息。 设备首先发送一个Router Solicitation的消息,与其他模式不同的是,该网段的路由此时回复的Router Advertisement消息中包含一个值为1的managed-config字段。该字段告诉设备使用使用DHCPv6而不是SLAAC。然后设备生成一个DHCPv6请求以获...
但是,它跟StatelessDHCPv6不同,是不同的配置方式。...StatelessDHCPv6 无状态DHCPv6方式使用SLAAC获取连通性信息,然后用DHCPv6来进行配置。...总结: DHCPv6有三种模式:SLAAC自动与路由协作;StatelessDHCPv6利用SLAAC来获取IP地址,并且用DHCP来获取其他信息;而Stateful DHCPv6则由DHCPv6服务器来提供...
How to set the A flag off for stateful dhcpv6 ( A = 0, O=0;M=1 ) I know how to set the O and M flag off/on by ipv6 nd other-config-flag ( for stateless A = 1,O =1,M = 0 ) ipv6 nd managed-c-f ( for stateful A = 0, O =1 or 1 is ok , M = 1) but i...
How to set the A flag off for stateful dhcpv6 ( A = 0, O=0;M=1 ) I know how to set the O and M flag off/on by ipv6 nd other-config-flag ( for stateless A = 1,O =1,M = 0 ) ipv6 nd managed-c-f ( for stateful A = 0, O =1 or 1 is ok , M = 1) but i...
Lesson 8: DHCPv6 (Stateless, Stateful and Prefix-Delegation), Downloadable VersionRick Graziani
In Windows Server 2008 (WS08), Microsoft has introduced DHCPv6 functionality to the DHCP server.In Windows Server 2008 (previously known as "Longhorn" Server) Beta 2, we released the DHCPv6 Stateless Server functionality. In Beta 3, we are introducing the DHCPv6 Stateful Server fun...
What is also visible in the Windows event viewer (eventvwr.msc), and the detailed log of the DHCPv6 Client: There are multiple entries, partially within 1 or 2 seconds, indicating sequential changes in the router advertisement settings (source: "Microsoft-Windows-DHCPv6 Client Eve...
What is also visible in the Windows event viewer (eventvwr.msc), and the detailed log of the DHCPv6 Client: There are multiple entries, partially within 1 or 2 seconds, indicating sequential changes in the router advertisement settings (source: "Microsoft-Windows-DHCPv6 Client ...
How to set the A flag off for stateful dhcpv6 ( A = 0, O=0;M=1 ) I know how to set the O and M flag off/on by ipv6 nd other-config-flag ( for stateless A = 1,O =1,M = 0 ) ipv6 nd managed-c-f ( for stateful A = 0, O =1 or 1 is ok , M = 1) but i...
* DHCPv6 Stateless (RA and DHCPv6 messages) * DHCPv6 Stateful (Only using the DHCPv6 messages) Note that although the RA message defines how the client can get an IPv6 address dynamically, the Client's operating system may choose to ignore the RA message and use only the services of a DHC...