美 英 un.状态改变 网络状态变换;状态更改;状态转换 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 状态改变
OSPF/6/OSPF_INTF_STATE_CHANGE: Interface [IfName] state changed from [OldState] to [NewState]. (Event=[IfEvent], ProcessId=[ProcessId], AreaId=[AreaId]) 日志含义 OSPF接口状态发生变化。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 IfName 接口名称。 OldState 接口之前状态。包括: Down Loopback Waiting Poi...
OSPF/6/OSPF_INTF_STATE_CHANGE: Interface [IfName] state changed from [OldState] to [NewState]. (Event=[IfEvent], ProcessId=[ProcessId], AreaId=[AreaId]) 日志含义 OSPF接口状态发生变化。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 IfName 接口名称。 OldState 接口之前状态。包括: Down Loopback Waiting Poi...
Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows CurrentState The new state of the connection. Theevent is raised after a connection changes state, whenever an explicit call is made toOpen,CloseorDispose.
public virtual event System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler? StateChange; 事件类型 StateChangeEventHandler 注解 当StateChange 连接状态从“已关闭”更改为“已打开”或从“打开”更改为“已关闭”时,将发生该事件。 适用于 产品版本 .NET Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Co...
Private Sub object_StateChange( ByVal oldState As Long, ByVal newState As Long ) Parameters object Object expression that evaluates to an ActiveMovie Control. oldState Previous state, before the change occurred. newState Current state, after the change occurred. ...
因改变状态(change state)时, 质量(mass)没有改变,只改变了密度(density)。碘昇华(sublimation of iodine)亦是,虽然由固体(sol…hk.knowledge.yahoo.com|基于21个网页 2. 修改状态 SAP 术语 – 10 | thelinguahouse ... change source of supply 改变供应资源 change state 修改状态 change status 更改状态 ....
change state- undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election" turn come alive,awake,awaken,arouse,wake,wake up,waken- stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the...
ios,android在RTMP服务器主动断开情况下返回code也是不一致:android能返回3004,3005状态码,ios不能。 实测ios很多code都没有在文档中(1010,1011,1014,1016)。 文档里写uni.createLivePusherContext(livePusherId, this).start(callback)中"success" 表示成功,是具体代表什么状态成功?底层协议握手阶段成功?还是数据推流...