Rabies and dog bites cases in Lagos State Nigeria: A Prevalence and retrospective studies (2006-2011). Global Journal of Health Science. 2013; 6(1):107-114.Hambolu ES, Dzikwi AA, Kwaga JKP, Kazeem HM & Umoh JU (2013). Rabies and dog bites cases in Lagos State Nigeria: A ...
Despite involving discomfort and physical disability, pregnancy is not a disease because most cases of it are chosen to satisfy the woman's vital goal of motherhood. At worst, its negative aspects involve the common phenomenon of goal conflict. But pregnancy with a baby that will never make ...
Specifically, we estimate the disease prevalence of each patch and obtain a weak order-preserving result that correlated the patch reproduction number with the patch disease prevalence. Then we assume that dispersal rates of the susceptible and infected populations are proportional and derive the ...
State Reports 24 Percent Drop in Number of Rabies CasesRobert Monroe
they bite. While dying from a dog bite on its ownis incredibly rare, you should make sure your four-legged friend has had its shots regardless. That's becausedogs are the lead sourceof rabies deaths in humans, accounting for 99% of cases. Africa and Asia experience the most dog bite-re...
When I moved to Wisconsin, I had a German Shepherd/Siberian Huskymix, and presently, I have a Siberian Husky with an unknown mix. In both cases, people have often told us they look to be part wolf. I have met owners in town who have wolfdogs. One day, I was walking my dog, and...
Monodrug therapies with oxytetracycline and doxycycline [12] have been found to be effective in eliminating infection. It has been opined that mono-drug therapies fail to eliminate the tissue forms of Hepatozoon spp., leading to relapses in many cases in companion animals [13]. Stress, in ...
In relation to patients bitten by snakes who had clinical manifestations compatible with the botropic accident, in which AB was initially administered, Table 4 shows the nine clinical cases, the time between the bite and the medical assistance, severity, local and systemic symptoms and the results...
The people in the Afar region have the lowest health and education coverage in the country with the highest food insecurity [6]. They are a traditional society that has native and unique information exchange system by word of mouth called ‘Dagu,’which their livelihood is very much dependent ...
Malaria and headache had the highest ICF value (0.85) whereas, Rabies had the lowest ICF value (0.25) (Table 8). Table 8 Informant consensus factor by categories of diseases in the study area, Wayu Tuka District Full size table Threats to medicinal plants and conservation practices in the...