There was a remarkable factoid in the book that I was unaware of. Again, quoting. “There has never been a period of elevated global growth at the levels experienced since 1945. In the early decades of the industrial revolution, the 2 percent growth witnessed was nowhere near the post-war ...
We argue that among possible approaches for estimating state-wise contribution in indirect taxes levied by central government, destination based approach would provide most meaningful estimates of GSDP at market prices; especially for the analysis of state finances. Adoption of GST in the near future ...
All things considered, we expect fashion-industry growth will increase to 2.5 to 3.5 percent in 2017, although the days when the industry outpaced GDP growth by as much as two percentage points seem over. A return to the riches of the previous decade appears unlikely. But equally, there is...
as official reports say that over 190,000 Hoosiers fought for the Confederacy. While that number is large, a vast majority of Hoosiers fought for the Union, and, though women were not allowed to enlist, one Indiana woman faked her gender and joined up.Mary E. Wise’s parents were dead a...
State-wise distribution of NMR in India. Geographical variations The NMR is not uniform across the country. Although Kerala and Tamil Nadu have low NMRs (o 20 per 1000 live births), Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have very high NMRs (35 or more per 1000 live births; Figure 3...
European technology exit values and counts have skyrocketed in the past year, reaching $133.4 billion in value (+400% year-over-year increase) across 1,247 exits. In 2021, there were approximately 186 public listings, including names such asUiPath,Wise,GitLab,OVH, andSUSE. In addition, M&...
Interestingly, five of the 10 worst performing states for employment growth were in the Northeast, which, along with California and Hawaii, were also some of the hardest hit states population-wise. Illinois, which ranked at the bottom for population growth and #39 for employment growth, is of...
However, Giesecke and Heisig (2010) f ind that their trend estimates are robust for controlling for GDP growth and the overall unemployment rate. 48Late-CaReeR RiSkS in Changing WeLfaRe StateSan adverse event will not only depend on the availability of welfare state benef its, especially in ...
We start this year with many positive vibes, hoping that the financial markets got it right, and see currently clearly more of the early 1920s than of 1929. But beware, we are also living through turbo times, so parties and hangovers might be time-wise closer tied to each other than eve...
Decrease in GDP growth of countries due to disruption in the supply chain and closure of distinct sectors. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has affected all most all the countries of the world. As SARS-CoV-2 virus is spreading rapidly from huma-to-human, if early diagnosis is not done ...