NATA Participating Institutes 2023 Highlights, Institutes accepting, NATA counselling and state-wise seat intake capacity through NATA.
The Spot was once also the intersection of Highways50& what used to be Highway 174, which came in from the south for Chicago travelers, making it once a primary intersection in Kenosha for travelers looking to head downtown. Today, it’s a little quieter traffic-wise but The Spot still ...
Mankiewicz pulled no punches when he declared Gilbert Seldes’ play The Wise Crackers“the worst play of the season” (Seldes was himself a noted critic and sometime New Yorker contributor): What’s more, the play was about a group of literate New Yorkers who gather to exchange witty barbs...
As we returned to the car, a large dog came strutting down the street, pulling a kid on a skateboard. I watched them cruise by and thought, a big skateboard for two. Add seats and get some big dogs. Rent them to pull people around town. Now, that’s a moneymaker. Share this: Loa...
Depending on what is needed, it may be wise to hold off hiring him until Idealism is at the level you’d like his trait to be. Hiring him and raising his skill as a General may see him make a political return post-war. The URDP’s attitude can be seen in the decision tab, ...
• MN-06: We at SSP love us some taxes, but we’re also big fans of a certain something called “optics,” and state Senate DFLers created a mammoth screwup that, appearance-wise, really harms Taryl Clark’s chances against Michele Bachmann. Clark got stuck holding the Marjorie Margoli...
Joe Manchin, the likely eventual occupant of that seat, and it’s a question of what timing he thinks is best for him, perception-wise. Interestingly, there’s increasing pressure from both labor (AFL-CIO, UMW) and business (Chamber of Commerce) for Manchin to get it over with and ...
U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski and Congressman Chris Van Hollen have been strong advocates for federal employees and that has been a component of their immense popularity with their constituents. All candidates in both CD4 and CD8 would be wise to emulate their example. Whoever emerges as the top...
Wise Woman Posted by Debra on Aug 23, 2016 in Amusements, Blog, Ironies, State Fair / BeyondTheStick Hope, of Indiana, had it under control as she calmly instructed her crew to change out the Wisconsin State Fair sign for the Minnesota State Fair sign. “The less you have to remember...
3. The delegates elected to the general assembly on the twenty-third day of May last, and the senators entitled under existing laws to seats in the next general assembly, together with such delegates and senators as may be duly elected under the ordinances of this convention, or existing laws...