State Accountability Under International Law 作者:Yarwood, Lisa 出版年:2010-11 页数:200 定价:$ 135.60 ISBN:9780415577830 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
state responsibilityState responsibility is still an evolving concept in international law as the situations under which state will become responsible internationally have not beendoi:10.2139/ssrn.2169806Vijay Chandrakant OakSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
This book considers the extent to which States are held accountable for breaches of jus cogens norms under international law. The concept of State accountability is distinguished from the doctrine of State responsibility and refers to an ad hoc practice in international relations that seeks to ensure...
9、elements of government power, acting in such capacity, shall act as a state act under international law, even if it exceeds the authority or violates the instructions.Eighth acts of command or control by the stateIf a person or group of people is actually acting in accordance with the in...
Seventh exceeding authority or contrary to instruction A person or entity authorized by the state authority to exercise the elements of government power, acting in such capacity, shall act as a state act under international law, even if it exceeds the authority or violates the instructions.©...
internationallawandshallactasastategoverningthe organization. Seventhexceedingauthorityorcontrarytoinstruction Apersonorentityauthorizedbythestateauthoritytoexercise theelementsofgovernmentpower,actinginsuchcapacity, shallactasastateactunderinternationallaw,evenifit ...
the act of rebellion that becomes a new government of a state shall be regarded as the act of that country as referred to in international law. 2. the act of a rebellion or other movement that constitutes a new state within a territory of a previously existing state or under a territory...
•Thefactthatanobligationunderinternationallawisinconsistentwithdomesticlawisnotadefencetoanallegedbreachofaninternationallegalobligation.•Thelawofstateresponsibilitystartedfromstates’obligationonthestandardsoftreatmenttonationalsofotherstates.•Thelawofstateresponsibilityiscustomaryandresidual.3 1.2Responsibility&...
The new and emergent international law of indigenous peoples, which includes ILO Convention No. 169 and customary law, is a dramatic manifestation of the mobilization of social forces through the human rights frame of the contemporary international system. Indigenous peoples themselves have been at ...