18 Harold Erbin - Introducing string field theory from a geometrical perspective 48:53 Emmanuel Giroux - Doors open by Thom in Morse theory and towards the h-principle 52:36 Aaron Fenyes - New perspectives on Borel summation – 24 57:34 Dennis Sullivan - The geometric ideas of René Thom ...
According to quantum theory, the state of a particle is described as its wave function. The important physical quantity is the difference in energy between any two states of a system. Electrical conductivity in the liquid state is generally due to the presence of ions. Hydrogen Guy can influenc...
MEALPY is the largest python library in the world for most of the cutting-edge meta-heuristic algorithms (nature-inspired algorithms, black-box optimization, global search optimizers, iterative learning algorithms, continuous optimization, derivative free optimization, gradient free optimization, zeroth ord...
This is a reality constructed with the help of theoretic concepts; it is not something that you may simply “observe.” Xenophanes (ca. 500 BC) already pointed out similar ideas (Wikipedia). The concept of quantum state is central to the quantum-physical view. Basically, there is no need ...
Our goals are to implement all classical as well as the state-of-the-art nature-inspired algorithms, create a simple interface that helps researchers access optimization algorithms as quickly as possible, and share knowledge of the optimization field with everyone without a fee. What you can do ...
The observation in small size collision systems, pp and pA, of strong correlations with long range in rapidity and a characteristic structure in azimuth, t
Soil surface erosion can shape the morphography of rivers and estuaries in the natural environment and induce high potential risks to structures in engineering. Numerical simulations based on continuum mechanics theory can provide reliable assessments of the evolution of surface erosion from the perspectiv...
Main State estimation, or data assimilation as it is often referred to in the geosciences, forms the backbone of modern machinery for fusing noisy sensor data with mathematical models of complex systems in many important areas of science, engineering and finance. For example, in robotics systems,...
Our goals are to implement all classical as well as the state-of-the-art nature-inspired algorithms, create a simple interface that helps researchers access optimization algorithms as quickly as possible, and share knowledge of the optimization field with everyone without a fee. What you can do ...
Section 2 is a high-level overview of active inference. The following sections elucidate the formulation by deriving the entire process theory from first principles; incorporating perception, planning and decision-making. This formalises the action–perception cycle: (1) an agent is presented with a...