A preliminary degradation pathway of carbamazepine by BPO-180-72 was postulated based on the general laws of photocatalytic oxidation of organic molecules and the intermediates found by LC–MS (Fig. 5). Photogenerated holes and hydroxyl radicals were the main reactive species involved in carbamazepine...
1. Definition of Reflection of Sound: Reflection of sound refers to the phenomenon where sound waves bounce back after hitting a barrier or obstacle, similar to how light reflects off a shiny surface. When sound waves encounter a surface, they change direction and travel back in the opposite...
Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year papers, NEET previous year papers, NCERT books for classes 6 to 12, CBSE, Path...
In gravitational collapses, the horizon and singularity’s realisation in the finite future of the proper time used co-moving observer happens in the future of infinitely far away future of the normal time used outside probe. To the latter the horizon and singularity defined in the singularity t...
Palliative care is increasingly gaining importance in Austria, and since 2022, two new laws that provide momentum for the expansion of palliative care have been in effect. On the one hand, the Hospice and Palliative Fund Act (Hospiz- und Palliativfondsgesetz) regulates funding throughout Austria ...
to mimic human opinion formation dynamics in a completely rigorous way. Instead, they reduce such processes to rather simple interaction laws between the components with very few parameters aiming to understand the possible fundamental mechanisms at play that give rise to macroscopic complexity17,18,22...
Section of a fiber-optic cable. The cladding glass has a refractive index that is lower than the core material, thereby providing total internal reflection of the core signal. Thus, the difference in the refractive indexes creates an extremely reflective surface at the interface. Light pulses ...
One of the major criticisms of machine learning algorithms in science is the lack of novel laws, understanding, and knowledge arising from their use. This comes from the fact that machine learning algorithms are often treated as black boxes, as machine-built models are too complex and alien for...
This study examined the influences of socio-cultural experiences on residents’ housing satisfaction in Ikorodu low-cost housing estate in Lagos State
discussed, although this effect has been reduced substantially over the years. Since the strength of TMI depends on a complex interplay between the fiber design and the amplification process, it is difficult to give simple scaling laws for this effect, but it seems clear that TMI is the ...