Since the discovery and definition of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) 14 years ago, numerous characteristics and physiological functions of NETs have been uncovered. Nowadays, the field continues to expand and novel mechanisms that orchestrate formation of NETs, their previously unknown properties, ...
Pharmacological characterisation and inhibitory effects of (2,3,4,5)-2-(6-amino-2-{[(1)-2-hydroxy-1-(phenylmethyl)ethyl]amino}-9-purin-9-yl)-5-(2-ethyl-2-t... catalysed oxidation of the fluorescent dye, A6550 from granulocytes, an effect(in neutrophils) which is blocked by the ad...
Hence, in the present review we summarize various studies describing the heterogeneous nature of neutrophils and associated functions during steady state and pathological conditions.Methodology We performed extensive literature review with key words 'Neutrophil subpopulations' 'Neutrophil subsets', Neutrophil ...
As metastasis is now well known to require many cell types within the microenvi- ronment (reviewed in REF. 50), He and Snaar-Jagalska52,111 used the embryo assay to examine the role of neutrophils in this process. Fluorescent tumour cells were injected into the circulation of embryos, ...
[3] proposed that endotoxin might be involved in all four conditions by lowering uterine atony, inducing edema of the chorionic villi, initiating the inflammatory state, and causing neutrophilia from inability of neutrophils to move to inflammatory tissues. There is an increasing body of evidence ...
As an alternative, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been studied as a treatment of CF lung disease. Ibuprofen, when taken in high doses, inhibits the migration, adherence and aggregation of neutrophils [121–123]. Despite prospective and retrospective demonstration that chronic administration ...
a result, these Tregs express immune checkpoint molecules (e.g., PD-1 and CTLA-4) to suppress the effector functions of T cells [184]. MDSCs are a highly heterogeneous population of myeloid cells that contribute to tumor immunosuppression [187]. GBM cell-derived macrophage migration inhibitory...
(BP) and molecular functions (MF) that showed significant overrepresentation in the cluster marker genes (color of the dots represents odds ratio from one-sided Fisher exact tests, and size of the dots represents the number of genes enriched in category or cell type; BH-adjustedP < 0.1...
Chiller et al., “Effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor on polymorphonuclear neutrophils, monocytes or monocyte-derived macrophages combined with voriconazole against Cryptococcus neoformans,” Med. Mycol., 40, 21-26 (2002). ...
pneut1, 2, diff = percentage of neutrophils before (1) and after (2) challenge and the difference between these values; plymph 1, 2, diff = percentage of lymphocytes before (1) and after (2) challenge and the difference between these values. TABLE 2b NRAMP1 Avall genotype association...