The Gulf of Mexico consists of several ecological and geologic provinces, chief of which are the coastal zone, the continental shelf, the continental slope, and the abyssal plain. The coastal zone consists of tidal marshes, sandy beaches, mangrove-covered areas, and many bays, estuaries, and la...
To date, the studies encompass 23 coastal bays and estuaries, and cover approximately 4,000 square kilometers. Based on the survival tests of amphipods--a group of widely distributed crustaceans of considerable ecological importance--it can be surmised that samples representing approximately 7 ...
In Brazil, research involving ecological knowledge of artisanal fishers has been done mostly over the past ten years, focusing on marine and freshwater fish. Environmental and socio-cultural factors threaten the maintenance of this alternate information base, and serve to highlight the need for increa...
Our paper describes a case study from Cleveland Bay in the GBRWHA where the seagrass habitats are complex because they are dynamic and diverse, but the approach can be applied to habitats with different ecological attributes and adapted to a range of spatial scales. Desired state can be used ...
Ecological Indicators Volume 121, February 2021, 106951Freshwater macroalga, Ulva pilifera (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) as an indicator of the trophic state of waters for small water bodiesAuthor links open overlay panelAndrzej S. RybakShow more
ECSA 56 brings together a global multi-disciplinary community of researchers and professionals to discuss and address issues of outstanding scientific importance in the science and management of estuaries and coastal seas in this rapidly changing world. ...
Benthic foraminifera are one of the most widely and abundantly distributed organisms in the fjords of Svalbard and Norway. Due to their short life span and
China has relatively abundant rare earth elements (REEs) reserves and will continue to be one of the major producers of REEs for the world market in the fo
the potential environmental pollution loads and ecological risk on Nworie Inland aquatic ecosystem, despite its ecosystem services to the dwellers within the settlement, who primarily depend on the river for domestic/human utilization. Hence, it is imperative to regularly investigate the physicochemical ...
ECSA 56 brings together a global multi-disciplinary community of researchers and professionals to discuss and address issues of outstanding scientific importance in the science and management of estuaries and coastal seas in this rapidly changing world. ...