International migration, public policies and domestic work: Latin American migrant women in the Spanish domestic work sector of this feminization are linked to migration policies and patterns of migration, the features of the welfare state, the characteristics of the labor market and the way in which...
Switch of the force is intended to control indirect of the characteristics of a state such that the temperature, pressure or moistureSCHELLHASE CARL
Its roots, or poles, provide a complete description of the lateral-directional stability characteristics of the aeroplane. The zero root indicates neutral stability in yaw, the first non-zero real root describes the spiral mode, the second real root describes the roll subsidence mode, and the ...
The analysis presented in Sections 1.2 and 1.3 has shown that it is possible to calculate the thermodynamic characteristics of a real substance given only the ideal gas heat capacity and the volumetric EoS. However, the necessary information on the EoS is not always available for all fluids. Hen...
Unit10SupplementalEnergyDissipation:State-of-the-artandState-of-the-practiceEnglishforCivilEngineering——Teacher:Prof.ZhengLuE-mail:luzheng111@(SchoolofCivilEngineering,TONGJIUNIVERSITY)Unit10SupplementalEnergyDissipation: State-of-the-artandState-of-the-practice 10.1Introduction 综述减震构件的类型10.2Basic...
Baseline characteristics of the study sample were shown in Table 1, stratified by race and sex group. In 10 × 10 cross validation, in the white male population (see Fig. 2 and supplemental Table 1), Deepsurv achieved the highest C-statistics (0.7371) among all the models. In the ...
et al. Epidemiology and disease characteristics of systemic sclerosis-related pulmonary arterial hypertension: results from a real-life screening programme. Arthritis Res. Ther. 19, 42 (2017). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Simonneau, G. et al. Haemodynamic definitions and updated ...
Table 2 shows that 85.9% of respondents in this study are males, suggesting that most jobs in fertilizer factories are more in demand and suit the characteristics of men. Furthermore, the highest level of education is a Bachelor's Degree (S1) at 57%, followed by a Master's Degree (S2)...
This article presents a review of the evolution of automatic post-editing, a term that describes methods to improve the output of machine translation syste
and the necessary and sufficient conditions of each type to create effective MTD strategies are then summarized, which are typically one or more of the aforementioned characteristics. Finally, we provide a number of observations for the future direction in this field, which can be helpful for subse...