Creates or finds a ProvisioningState from its string representation. Parameters: name - a name to look for Returns: the corresponding ProvisioningStatevalues public static Collection values() Returns: known ProvisioningState valuesApplies to Azure SDK for Java Legacy在...
Typhoon disasters undergo a complex evolutionary process influenced by temporal changes, and investigating this process constitutes the central focus of geographical research. As a key node within the typhoon disaster process, the state serves as the fou
A variable finites state machine (VFSM) is defined to be a finite-state machine (FSM) that allows the use of variables where each variable can be assigned to a finite number of values. From: Advances in Computers, 2012 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert ...
The two peaks correspond to the Fermi surface areas (in units of cyclotron frequency) of the two Fermi pockets stemming from the Rashba-split surface state. f, Schematic illustration of the Fermi surface stemming from the Rashba bands (see Extended Data Fig. 1c for numerically computed bands)...
In subject area: Computer Science Architectural State refers to the information necessary to define what a computer is doing, which includes the program counter and the 32 32-bit registers in the case of the RISC-V processor. It is the state of the computer that can be saved, turned off,...
receive connections from (all units of) the reservoir. Note that only the readout layer connections are trained. This is one of the cornerstone of all Reservoir Computing techniques. In our case, we will train these connections using linear regression, with a regularization coefficient of 10-5....
On Linux systems, the tool must be run with root privileges. This can be done through either sudo or su commands. If running as a non-root user, the tool will not be able to communicate with the drive. Only basic drive information will be displayed and no drive functions will ...
The directors appointed by non-state-owned shareholders to SOEs also serve in NSOEs (other shareholder units). The research of Zhou and Xue [36] showed that the directors who serve in other shareholder units represent the interests of the shareholder units, will actively exercise the right to ...
The CMOS PA comprised eight class D units on a single chip. The power combiner of this CMOS PA was implemented using Marchand baluns that consist of input transmission lines and coupled-line architecture on a printed circuit board. This CMOS PA achieved a maximum output power of 29.7 dBm, ...
Avijit Lahiri, in Basic Optics, 2016 8.3.13 Quantum Correlations: Entanglement A state of a composite system C made up of subsystems A and B that can be expressed in the form (8.80b) is termed a separable state, while if the density matrix cannot be so expressed, then it is referred...