Thematic Unit Studies 4th-5th Arts Character Education Language Arts Languages Math Science Social Studies Thematic Unit Studies 6th-8th Arts Electives Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Interactive Learning 9th-12th Arts Electives Language Ar...
Drug Testing in Oklahoma a Quagmire of State, Federal ControlAs more businesses adopt drug- and alcohol-testing programs forworkers, many find themselves...By PriceMarie
UPS, that an employee fired based on the results of a federally-mandated drug test cannot pursue a private lawsuit against his employer for alleged violations of Oklahoma state drug testing law. According to the court, the purpose of the exemption provision of Oklahoma's Standards for Workplace...
New Jersey took Utah’s idea one step further in 2022 when Senators Steven Oroho and Nilsa Cruz-Perez and Assembly members Nancy Munoz, Michele Matsikoudis, and Parker Space proposed a $20 unlock fee to remove the filter from new devices. It never made it to a vote, but Oklahoma proposed...
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As the world continues to recognize the potential benefits of medical marijuana (MMJ), Oklahoma has emerged as a progressive state that has embraced this burgeoning industry.
It samples households known or projected to have a child according to US Census data; then, parents or guardians report on 1 of their children. Meanwhile, the YRBSS is a set of biennial, probability-based, state-level surveys of adolescents’ mental health and risk behaviors. As a...
Oklahoma State University is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 70%. Originally the Oklahoma State Agricultural and Mechanical College, Oklahoma State University at Stillwater is the flagship campus of the Oklahoma State University System. For high achieving undergraduates, OSU's Ho...
(2022) found that Tulsa participants in Oklahoma’s universal pre-K program had better attendance records and less chronic absenteeism than matched nonparticipants during kindergarten, elementary school, and high school (but not middle school). Reasons for Absenteeism Illness is the most common reason...
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