www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN V2O5 encapsulated MWCNTs in 2D surface architecture: Complete solid-state bendable received: 17 October 2016 highly stabilized energy efficientaccepted:24January2017 supercapacitor devicePublished:03March2017 Bidhan Pandit1, Deepak P. Dubal2, Pedro Gómez-...
The assessment subindex includes student assessments in student learning in English language arts (ELA), math, science, and social studies to measure student proficiency in the knowledge and skills reflected in the standards of each grade and subject. The SPS includes the points assigned to ...
To test the applicability of the proposed sensors, they were introduced to assess bispyribac in co3m.4.mAedrscoiarpl tsioonluIbsloethlieqrmuid (SL) formulation, soil and agricultural waste water samples collected from different agricultural lands planted with rice and sprayed with bispyribac ...
However, the composite specimen tensile test results showed that build orientation is insignificant for strength Polymers 2021, 13, 2829 4 of 19 whenever the reinforced particle volume fraction is kept at a level of 5%. In addition, it was stated that the composition and reinforced particle ...