在美国,EIN(Employer Identification Number)和State ID(州身份证)是两种重要的注册号,分别服务于不同的目的。EIN,也称为TIN(Tax Identification Number),是税务机关为法人实体和个体分配的预扣税号码,与个人的社会保险号码(SSN)具有同等法律效力。EIN的独特九位数字标识,由国内税务署分配给运营...
在美国经济活动中,两个关键的注册号起着至关重要的作用:EIN(Employer Identification Number,雇主识别号码)和州ID(State Identification,州身份证)。EIN,也被称为TIN(Tax Identification Number), 是美国国内税务署特别颁发给企业的独特九位编码,用于税务管理和商业识别。它不仅在预扣税款时扮演...
Business name, address, and phone number Employee identification number (EIN) or social security number (SSN) Business plan with revenue and expense projections Tax documents Proof of insurance Here are a few more factors to consider when obtaining a business license: The cost of the licen...
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is like a Social Security number (SSN) for your company. The IRS and the state of Washington will use this number to track your business activity.Your EIN will come in handy when it’s time to:Open a business bank account File Federal and State ...
Most Washington LLCs need this tax ID number, sometimes even those that are single-member LLCs with no employees. Getting an EIN should be a priority, anyway, as it can help with practical things like opening a business bank account. You can use our EIN registration service to make it ...
EIN (Employer Identification Number) 雇员身份号码,适用于美国。尽管它是一种分配给个人或者法人实体的预扣赋税号码,但是它与SSN(社会保险号码)具有同样的法律效力。通常EIN也被称作TIN (Tax Identification Number),税赋编号。EIN是一串独一无二的九位号码,由国内税务署分配给在美国运营的企业实体,...
EIN (Employer Identification Number) 雇员身份号码,适用于美国。尽管它是一种分配给个人或者法人实体的预扣赋税号码,但是它与SSN(社会保险号码)具有同样的法律效力。通常EIN也被称作TIN (Tax Identification Number),税赋编号。EIN是一串独一无二的九位号码,由国内税务署分配给在美国运营的企业实体,...
To find your own company's EIN, you can: Review old tax returns, which will have the number on every page. Contact your bank. If you opened a bank account in the name of the business, you'll have provided the EIN when you applied for the account, and the bank will have that infor...
Once your company is set up, you will need: Tax ID (EIN)– free over the Internet or phone. Initial List– The Initial List is required to open a bank account. As of November 1st, 2017, the Nevada Secretary of State requires that when you order your Articles of Incorporation/Corporation...
A state tax id can be a state tax id employer number or a wholesale state tax ID number. Then there is a business license number that you get and it is essentially another state tax ID number . Things can be complicated but use our service and we will make sure you get what you nee...