How Senator John Edwards and Vermont Governor Howard Dean address the issue of a war with Iraq; Possibility that the anti-war views of Congressman Dennis Kucinich may make Dean look more moderate; Anti-war activism in Iowa; Expectation that Senator Joseph Lieberman will note fare well among ...
Stein, a Harvard-trained lawyer, former state senator and the state’s chief law enforcement officer since 2017, will succeed fellow Democrat Roy Cooper, who was term-limited from seeking reelection. He will be the state’s first Jewish governor. Robinson's campaig...
Senator Courtney Mykelle Howard Chop Shop Blonde Charles Howerton News Anchor Dalon Huntington Bama Boy Donald Imm Ambassador Henry Jaderlund Ambassador Branden Weslee Kong Marine Shawn Kresal Marine T. Alloy Langenfeld Capitol Hill Suit Brian Larsen Bridge Actor Tia Latrel...
Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts.Kelly practices in the firm Kelly, Townsend & Thomas at 137 St. Denis Street in Natchitoches. He specializes in criminal law and retirement issues. The Townsend in the firm is William Lloyd Townsend, brother of Taylor Townsend and Kelly's nephew. He ...
Republican candidates have struggled in New York for years, but one bright spot for the party is Rep. Chris Jacobs, a former state senator who just won the special election to replace Chris Collins in Western New York. Jacobs’ campaign, which is likely to win again in the November, ...
State Senator John Lee (D-North Las Vegas) actually has signaled interest in running, but he’s probably too moderate to win the Democratic primary in this district. And sorry, Republicans, but there are virtually no GOP candidates who even want to try here. 2010 US Senate Results 62.9% ...
While everyone appears to be highlighting the responsibilities of the mayor, every other governor, senator and member of Congress seems to be getting a pass from the media. Which reporters have asked Pete Buttigieg, for example, if he can run South Bend and run for mayor at the same time?
asking for an expedited ruling. They’d like the whole thing to be over and done with by Dec. 9, so that there’s no delay in seating Alaska’s next (or same) Senator. The state’s filing also, amazingly, says that the court should find for the state “unless Miller provides proof...
While Cunningham, a state Senator since 2007, credited Fulop for drawing a good crowd, she stopped short of giving him a formal endorsement at that point. Furthermore, Fulop has thanked former Jersey City Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham, Sandra’s late husband, forjump starting his political caree...
“The question I have for the senator is, is she intending to simply continue the Bush-Cheney policies that have resulted in so much damage around the world, or are we going to have a change?” Obama said in an interview with The Des Moines Register. Clinton, during a conference call...