Maintenance Decision Support System Is Not Just for State Departments of Transportation Maintenance decision support systems (MDSS) are becoming important tools in the winter weather response strategies of many state departments of transportat... W Kennedy - Transportation Research E-Circular 被引量: 0...
DOT Gives A1A an F; State Agency Says Road Is beyond CapacityByline: Caren Burmeister, Shorelines staff writer A state transportation agency has...Burmeister, Caren
John O'Callaghan & Paul Skelton & Ren Faye - May The Road Rise Ben Gold & Bo Bruce - Half Light Jordan Suckley - Fly With Me Gabriel & Dresden - Kinetic Cinema Balthazar & JackRock - In The Dark Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & Armin van Buuren & Vini Vici & Push - Universal...
thus the environmental impact is minimized. The dike parallel to the coastline is to minimize the influence of coastal reservoir on the beach and it can be used for port's berths. The tidal gate can be also used for road transportation. If 20% of runoff is dumped into the sea, then the...
Here, using periodic excitation of a semiconductor quantum-dot-confined spin, we demonstrate a multi-indistinguishable photon cluster, featuring a continuously generated string of photons at deterministic gigahertz generation rates, and an optimized entanglement length of about ten photons. The in...
摘要: We demonstrate stable mode-locking in a Yb : KYW laser by using a quantum-dot (QD) saturable absorber structure that incorporates a p-n junction. A reduction in the output pulse duration was measured when a reverse bias was applied to the QD saturable absorber mirror.关键词:...
The Evening Low Volume Mode use case is very straightforward, but be sure to capture all the behavioral requirements – the primary road should flash yellow, and the secondary road should flash red. Flashing should occur at 0.5 Hz, with an ON duty cycle of 75%. Also add an initial delay...
FhoorleUgGas =a −t t0h.5e Vd,iathmeosnidmusulartfiaocnes(rbeluperoadruecaeinthFeigtw. 4ob-d),imwehnesrieotnhael Fermi level has been pushed below the VBM. As the charge tran- sition level follows the VBM with a constant energy distance, it will intersect with the...
(1999), Browne and Nesselroade (2005), Chow et al. (2009), Song and Ferrer (2009) as representative methodological work in this space. EMA data can be collected in a variety of modalities from psychological batteries (Levinson et al., 2023) to physiological/biological assay data (Ditzen...
Geocell has become increasingly popular as reinforced material in various fields of civil engineering over the last few decades. Geocells can be a solution to the problems associated with paved and unpaved road construction over weak soil. Many researchers have conducted laboratory model testing, field...