3. World Hindi Day 2025: 10 January Every year on 10 January, World Hindi Day is celebrated. It is celebrated to mark the anniversary of the first World Hindi Conference organized in Nagpur on 10 January 1975. In the year 1975, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi organized the first Wor...
Juan Vicente Perez Mora was certified as the world’s oldest man in 2022. He was officially declared as the oldest man alive on February 4, 2022, when he was 112 years and 253 days old. As of 2022, he had 41 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren. He w...
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Uttar Pradesh State GK Questions (Set-17) for UPPSC Exam 1. Of which oldest land is the part of Uttar Pradesh? (a) Angaraland (b) Gondwanaland (c) Oshenia (d) Eurasia 2. In the following cities which one is not situated at the Bank of river Ganga?
Uttar Pradesh State GK Questions (Set-21) for UPPSC Exam 1. Where is the narrow belt of 'Bhabhar' in Uttar Pradesh? (a) In Plain area (b) In Tarai area (c) In pebbles land (d) In the area of Ganga-Yamuna 2. Of which religion are the maximum followers in Uttar Pradesh?
A sign that something will happen or to announce something The new policyheraldsa major change in governance. View More Half Yearly (Jan - June 2024) 2024Book Banking Awareness For IBPS, SBI, SEBI, RBI, State PCS, UPSC Exams PreviewBuy Now...
Word Of The Day Perilous Full of danger or risk The hikers took aperilouspath up the mountain. View More Half Yearly (Jan - June 2024) 2024 Book Banking Awareness For IBPS, SBI, SEBI, RBI, State PCS, UPSC Exams PreviewBuy Now