State Plane Coordinate System(SPCS)は投影法ではありません。これは、アメリカ合衆国の 50 の州とプエルトリコおよびバージン諸島を、 ゾーンと呼ばれる 120 を超える番号付けされた地域に分割する座標系です。
State Plane Coordinate System If you've ever worked with GIS data regionally within the United States you've probably come across the State Plane Coordinate System. What is the State Plane Coordinate System? The State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) is not a projection; rather it is a system ...
Current Coordinate system used for most of land development projects is called California State Plane Coordinate System, North American Datum of 1983. (CA SPCS NAD 83), it is divided in 6 geographic zones. Zones of interest to us are: ZONE 5: Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura, Kern, Sa...
A group of planar coordinate systems based on the division of the United States into more than 130 zones to minimize distortion caused by map projections while defining property boundaries in a way th
State Plane Coordinate System FIPS Code Anyone can identify their State Plane Coordinate System zone with a unique FIPS code. For example, Alaska has 10 State Plane Coordinate System zones with a unique FIPS code and map projection. For FIPS Zone 5001 (Alaska), it uses the Hotine Oblique Merc...
The manual provides information and equations necessary to perform survey computations on the State Plane Coordinate System of 1983, a map projection system based on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). Given the geodetic coordinates on NAD 83 (latitude and longitude), the manual provides ...
[坐标系] 一组基于将美国划分为 130 多个区域的平面坐标系,最大程度上弥补地图投影造成的失真,同时以简化地块周长和面积计算的方式定义资产边界。 每个区域均有其自身的地图投影和参数,并使用 NAD27 水平基准面或 NAD83 水平基准面。 兰勃特等角圆锥投影主要用于东西向延伸的州,而横轴墨卡托投影则主要用于南北向...
coordinatesystem stateplane Reply 0 Kudos All Posts Previous Topic Next Topic 6 Replies by DanPatterson_Retired 10-10-2018 03:19 AM The projected file will stay in the same location as the input because it was projected-on-the-fly back to the coordinate system of the map. Op...
1) state plane coordinate system 国家平面坐标系2) national coordinate system 国家坐标系 1. Geometric determination of airborne three line scanner sensors integrated with POS will involve the local tangent plane reference transformation,block adjustment,spatial forword intersection and coordinate conversion ...