near art figure d outside north washington million value leave usually cut therefore sound play plan fire table evidence strong english range various peace living believe says modern mean soon book single looking lines secretary process personal longer alone women situation minutes idea gone section ...
It is self-evident that the specific reflectivity of materials in the near infrared region of the spectrum influences the surface temperature practically proportionally [52]. Using satellite data, a comparative assessment of several pavement materials utilized in the Athens metropolitan area was conducted...
South Annual Review: 2015, Timber Prices and Markets; Timber Mart-South: Athens, GA, USA, 2016. 60. Stimson, R.J.; Stough, R.R.; Roberts, B.H. Regional Economic Development: Analysis and Planning Strategy, 2nd ed.; Springer: New York, NY, USA, 2006. 61. Divison of Research. ...
Application of Multiple Parks Vector Approach for Detection of Multiple Faults in Induction Motors. J. Power Electron. 2017, 17, 972–982. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Silva, J.L.; Cardoso, A.M. Bearing failures diagnosis in three-phase induction motors by extended Park’s vector approach. ...