Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA Song Gao Department of Geography, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA Yingjie Hu Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Eun-Kyeong Kim & Ross Purves Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Canada...
Environmental Services Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Asset Management Landscape Architecture Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Real Estate Structural Engineering Surveying Traffic & Roundabout Engineering Planning & Design Services Urban Design & Master Planning ...
The boundaries of all map units are digitized to show correctly on modern topographic maps.Sherrod, David RSinton, John MWatkins, Sarah EBrunt, Kelly MCenter for Integrated Data Analytics Wisconsin Science CenterSherrod DR, Sinton JM, Watkins SE, Brunt KM. Geologic Map of the State of Hawai...
•Wisconsin Recall: A local judge agreed with the Government Accountability Board that eight recall elections (so not including one for GOPer Rob Cowles) could get consolidated on July 12. Democrats had asked that the recalls against Dan Kapanke and Randy Hopperbe certified right away, since th...
The ageing of societies has strong implications for social security and for social gerontological analysis, while diversity, social inequality, and social justice are traditional core themes of sociology and social policy. Both perspectives are interrelated, as demographic transitions may, on the one ...
District of Columbia (1360 postings) Senior Research...; Fellow or Senior Fellow... Ohio (1099 postings) Laboratory & Field...; Plant Conservation &... Tennessee (935 postings) Faculty Position -...; Mechanic,... Wisconsin (919 postings) Cnt Research Specialist; Research Assistant II....
The goal of creating a single roadway network for all Wisconsin roads is being considered and motivated by many. The primary focus of this research study was to identify, understand, categorize, and quantify the similarities and differences between two Geographic Information Systems (GISs) that the...
GeoDS Lab, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 53706, USA Song Gao & Yuhao Kang Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 03755, USA Xun Shi Contributions Research design and conceptualization: Q.L., S.C., S.G.; Data collection and processin...
Chi (2009) investigated whether forecasts of sub-county total populations could be improved by incorporating variables correlated with population change in the modelling. Four regression models were applied to forecast the populations of minor civil divisions in Wisconsin which included explanatory variables...
WI/SPR-08-99; Wisconsin Department of Transportation: Madison, WI, USA, 2000. 46. AASHTO TP 99-13. Standard Method of Test for Determining the Influence of Road Surfaces on Traffic Noise Using the Continuous-Flow Traffic Time-Integrated Method (CTIM); American Association of State and High...