The report was on State Department Diplomatic Security letterhead, but was actually written by a Blackwater employee. However, the US Army’s First Cavalry Division arrived at the Square moments after the shooting. They found no shell casings from AK-47s (the kind used by insurgents or the ...
The history of the State of Palestine describes the creation and evolution of the State of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. During the British mandate period, numerous plans of partition of Palestine were proposed but without the agreement of all parties. In 1947, the United Nations ...
We are very proud of our flag. The Texas flag is where the term “lone star” came from. It’s the remnant of those ten years when we were our own nation, and it reminds us of our fierce independent streak. So we use it in logos, we stamp it on letterheads, we put it on our...
In the state of Washington, Massage Therapist licensing and regulation is overseen by the Washington State Department of Health Board of Massage. You cannot operate and advertise as a massage therapist and you cannot offer massage therapy services unless you are licensed with the Washington State ...
During college, Luther held political internship positions in both Washington, D.C., and Albany, but it was her time in D.C. that Luther says made her realize that her “heart and soul” were in New York. After graduating, Luther worked for the New York Senate for almost eight ...
Washington Nevada Hawaii New Mexico District of Columbia Pennsylvania Massachusetts Oregon Wisconsin Overall, healthcare costs averaged over $10,000 per person in 2020. Meanwhile, when it comes to carrying medical insurance to help offset some of those medical bills, South Dakotans are among the leas...
They were forgeries of the groups’ letterhead, sent by lobbying firm Bonner & Associates, who’ve apparently graduated from mere astroturfing to mail fraud. • NY-LG: An appellate court ruled that Richard Ravitch, who was appointed by David Paterson in unprecedented (if not unconstitutional) ...
•LA-Sen: Rep. Charlie Melancon is going on the offensive, having a lot of ground to make up against David Vitter if polls are any indication. He’s filed an ethics complaint against Vitter for having violated federal law by sending out fundraising appeals on official Senate letterhead. ...
The governor’s official response, written on letterhead and sent with a signed photograph, became a prized possession. “(It) was a neat, maybe kind of dorky thing for a kid that age to have, but it was a letter that I still have,” he says. He grew up in the Capital R...