Washington All All, including seasonal or domestic workers, independent contractors, workers for certain construction employers, and immediate family members of the business owner One hour per 40 hours workedopens in a new tab Yes *Some or all of the listed information will go into effect on Febr...
Washington PFML will impact production budgets up to $349.11 per Washington resident (if they earn the full wage base of $160, 200). Accounting for Paid Family Leave costs in your production budget As paid family leave (PFL) becomes more prevalent across the United States, it is important ...
r dev"! Employees aged 14 to 15 years old must earn at least $13.38 per hour in 2023. The L&I salary threshold will change annually through 2028. (1) $45,000 ($865.38/week) an exempt executive, administrative, or professional employee; (2) $101,250 for those who meet the duties-r...
In the United States, 10% of infants are born preterm (PT; <37 weeks gestational age) each year and are at higher risk of complications compared to full term infants. The burden of PT birth is borne disproportionately by Black versus non-Black families,