This article reports on the opening of digital archives to the public in Washington. Housed at Eastern Washington University, Cheney, and designed to salvage critical public records born digital from local and state governments (see www.di...
Under that sort of slow death spiral circumstances, writing off KCRHA as a misfire—perhaps triggered by the CEO search producing underwhelming candidates—might be best option. Of course, pulling the plug would be a spectacular embarrassment, so maybe the powers that be will allow to KCRHA to...
Minimum wages and the health of immigrants’ children. Appl Econ Lett. 2021;28(11):894-901. doi:10.1080/13504851.2020.1784832Google ScholarCrossref 22. Paul Leigh J, Leigh WA, Du J. Minimum wages and public health: a literature review. Prev Med. 2019;118:...
Digital Photogrammetric Workstations (DPWS) have become a major focus of research within the photogrammetric community in the last year. This paper presents the state-of-the-art of DPWS. A DPWS is the main component of a Digital Photogrammetric Systems (DPS). A DPS is defined as hardware and...
Tax practice during the last four years. These external alerts highlight selected developments involving state tax legislative, judicial, and administrative matters. The alerts provide a brief summary of specific multistate developments relevant to taxpayers, tax professionals, and other interested persons...
Halawa Hall of Fame Hallbergmoos Halle Halle Open Hallenstadion Hallescher FC Halo Board halo display halted Hamburg Hamburger SV Hamilton Hamilton Urban Precinct Entertainment Group Hammersmith & Fulham City Council Hampden Park Hampshire County Cricket Club Hampshire Cricket Hanam City Hanasaari Power Plan...
StateArchives Moreoptions 3.Agenciesmaychoosetoaddmore processeswheretheyareall“borndigital” –Nopaperinvolvedatall 4.Forstateagencies,anoptioncouldbeto scanandthensendthepaperoffsiteto liveouttheremainderoftheretention periodattheStateRecordsCenter
Washington State University (Voiland), a public institution, offers online labs, and all of the online classes are recorded and archived so students can access lecture material at their convenience. Eighty-six percent of students are employed when they enroll for online graduate engineering programs...
This paper reviews the state of the art and future trends of indoor Positioning, Localization, and Navigation (PLAN). It covers the requirements, the main players, sensors, and techniques for indoor PLAN. Other than the navigation sensors such as Inertia
Library and Archives Paraprofessional 3 (2/14/2025) Posted onFebruary 11, 2025byState Library of Oregon Yakima Valley College Yakima, WA The LAPP III manages all the electronic databases, books, and other tools available to our students. If you have student success and retention as the center...