while producing a new norm of dirty forks and smelly glasses. …Machines can only meet much higher efficiency standards by recirculating water in longer cycles, meaning run times of two or three hours. Yet if the dishes aren’t clean, owners run them again, undermining the argument...
Washington, D.C., and Brian Johnson, deputy director of Senate research for the Georgia General Assembly, discussed four Supreme Court decisions affecting the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a University of Texas affirmative action case, the federal Defense of Marriage Act, and California’s Proposition 8...
Proposition 36’s approval signals voter backlash against California’s progressive turn on criminal justice. Emily Schultheis11/05/2024, 11:58pm ET California voters approved a tough-on-crime ballot initiative that would strengthen penalties for some theft- and d...
• TX-Gov: Bill White (D) 42%, Rick Perry (R-inc) 53% • WA-Sen: Patty Murray (D-inc) 46%, Dino Rossi (R) 49% • Angus-Reid: Some of you might have gotten excited about the California numbers offered up today by Angus-Reid (a well-established Canadian pollster, but appa...
With the passage of Proposition 20 in California, though, which creates an independent redistricting commission there, it’s all kind of a wash, as a less-bad Florida map is balanced out by not being able to aggressively redistrict California. (Similarly, while it takes some sting out of ...
the State Fair urges Dallas citizens to vote FOR all 10 bond proposals. Through Proposition C, Fair Park – our home for 131 years – will get a big boost. The program will fund $50 million in improvements to the historic and architectural treasures housed in Fair Park. The buildings ar...
Proposition 2.3.1. Let P~ be the positive definite solution of (2.3.4). Then the positive definite solution P~ of (2.3.4) where A~ is replaced by A~ = fA~ =and f is a positive scalar, is given by P'"~ P~/f. Proof: Let P~ be the solution of the Lyapunov matrix equation ...
• TX-Gov: Bill White’s newest ad goes after Rick Perry’s seeming habit of steering state contracts to cronies • Rasmussen: • AK-Sen: Scott McAdams (D) 27%, Joe Miller (R) 35%, Lisa Murkowski (WI-inc) 34% • CA-Sen: Barbara Boxer (D-inc) 49%, Carly Fiorina (R)...
This is a bold value proposition and one that deserves in-depth analysis. If coding bootcamps are successfully bridging the technology talent gap, the model could have a major impact on the post-secondary training market.For Career Karma’s most up-to-date research into the state of the ...
•TX-St. House: Two more party switchers to report, this time in the Texas state House, where Dems had actually entertained the notion of flipping the body a while ago and instead are now facing the wrong end of a supermajority. Aaron Pena and Allan Ritter have both announced that they...