WASHINGTON (AP) — The State of the Union speech is one of the biggest pieces of political theater every year. It’s rooted in a simple requirement in the U.S. Constitution that directs the president to “give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to thei...
The State of the Union Game: Hopefuls Jockey to Get Their Causes a Line in Speech (Posted 2013-02-10 01:26:55) ; Every Year, Interests Groups and Individuals Jockey to Get Their Pet Causes Mentioned in the SpeechSonmez, Felicia
Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished citizens and fellow citizens: Every year, by law and by custom, we meet here to consider the state of the union. This year, we gather in this chamber deeply aware of decisive days that lie ahead. You and I serve our...
0142. Union 0143. United 0144. Vance 0145. Vice 0146. Wait 0147. Walz 0148. Washington 0149. White 0150. Yael 0151. YouGov 0152. Zakaria 0153. Zionism 0154. a 0155. abet 0156. ability 0157. able 0158. about 0159. abroad 0160. absolute 0161. absolutely 0162. absurd 0163. accord ...
0142. Union 0143. United 0144. Vance 0145. Vice 0146. Wait 0147. Walz 0148. Washington 0149. White 0150. Yael 0151. YouGov 0152. Zakaria 0153. Zionism 0154. a 0155. abet 0156. ability 0157. able 0158. about 0159. abroad 0160. absolute 0161. absolutely 0162. absurd 0163. accord ...
Joe Biden's 2024 State of the Union Address was watched by about 32.23 million viewers across the United States, up by about five million viewers compared with the previous year's viewer figure. State of the Union Address – additional information ...
0148. Union 0149. United 0150. VFW 0151. Veterans 0152. Vice 0153. Vietnam 0154. Walz 0155. War 0156. Wars 0157. Washington 0158. Whitmer 0159. York 0160. Zakaria 0161. a 0162. ability 0163. able 0164. about 0165. above 0166. abroad 0167. accept 0168. acceptable 0169. accomplish ...
0118. Union 0119. United 0120. Vance 0121. Vladimir 0122. Warnock 0123. Washington 0124. William 0125. X 0126. Y 0127. York 0128. Z 0129. Zakaria 0130. a 0131. abide 0132. able 0133. abortion 0134. about 0135. abroad 0136. absolute 0137. absolutely 0138. accept 0139. acquire 014...
The State of the Union is a speech given by the president every year to members of both the House and Senate. The president reports on the state of the country and outlines his policy priorities for the coming year. The speech fulfills a mandate in the Constitution that the president updat...
State of the Union 2024 Biden’s State of the Union report card: Here’s where Biden stands on last year’s promises Inflation? Climate? Policing? The president promised a lot on these issues and more. Here’s how we graded him. By MYAH WARD 03/07/2024 05:00 AM EST Updated 03/07...