In 2022, large areas withabove normalprecipitationincluded large parts of Asia and the south-west Pacific, areas of northern South America and the Caribbean, the eastern Sahel region, parts of southern Africa, Sudan, and eastern Europe.
In order to unpack such complexity, the WMO State of the Global Climate usesseven Climate Indicatorsto describe the changing climate—providing a broad view of the climate at a global scale. They are used to monitor the domains most relevant to climate change, including the composition of the ...
This report provides a summary of the UK weather and climate through the calendar year 2021, alongside the historical context for a number of essential climate variables. This is the eighth in a series of annual “State of the UK Climate” publications and an update to the 2020 report (Kendo...
et al. Permafrost and climate in Europe: monitoring and modelling thermal, geomorphological and geotechnical responses. Earth Sci. Rev. 92, 117–171 (2009). Article Google Scholar Vieira, G. et al. Thermal state of permafrost and active-layer monitoring in the Antarctic: advances during the ...
SUBJECTTO COPYEDIT WMO-No.1347 StateoftheGlobal Climate2023 W EA TH ER CL IM AT E W AT E R B Coverillustration:Ameltingglacierwithchunksoficebreakingapart.Thebackgroundcapturestheconsequencesof globalwarmingoniceformations.GenerativeAI.ParRegina.N°defichier:640624130 WMO-No.1347 ©World...
climateglobalprovisional报告concentraonsobservaonal ProvisionalStateofthe GlobalClimate2023 行业报告资源群 微信扫码长期有效 微信扫码行研无忧 免责申明: 本内容非原报告内容; 报告来源互联网公开数据;如侵权 请联系客服微信,第一时间清理; 报告仅限社群个人学习,如需它用 请联系版权方; 如有其他疑问请联系微信。
Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are also extraordinarily important for the global climate and are measured in parts per billion (ppb). In 2022, the latest year for which global data are available, record values were reached: Carbon dioxide: 417.9ppm ± 0.2 = 150% of pre-industrial...
s theory was the forerunner of the 17th-century doctrine known as thedivine right of kings, wherebymonarchybecame the predominate form of government in Europe. It created a climate for the ideas of the 17th-century reformers likeJohn Lockein England andJean-Jacques RousseauinFrance, who began ...
as do the foothills farther north. The latter form part of a treeless belt of richloesssoils known as theBörde, which runs in a narrow east-west zone across the state. Lower Saxony’s climate offers mild winters, moderately warm summers, and a steady year-round rainfall ranging from 24...
In order to unpack such complexity, the WMO State of the Global Climate uses seven Climate Indicators to describe the changing climate—providing a broad view of the climate at a global scale. They are used to monitor the domains most relevant to climate change, including the composition of th...