今天分享的是:State-of-the-Climate-in-SWP-2023(英) 报告共计:31页 世界气象组织(WMO)发布的该报告聚焦西南太平洋地区2023年气候状况,涵盖气温、降水、极端事件等多方面,分析气候驱动因素、影响及应对措施。 1. 气候概况与驱动因素 - 全球气候背景:2023年全球平均近地表温度较工业化前水平显著升高,主要温室气体浓...
Climate2023 W EA TH ER CL IM AT E W AT E R B Coverillustration:Ameltingglacierwithchunksoficebreakingapart.Thebackgroundcapturestheconsequencesof globalwarmingoniceformations.GenerativeAI.ParRegina.N°defichier:640624130 WMO-No.1347 ©WorldMeteorologicalOrganization,2024 ...
In addition to new displacements caused by high-impact disasters in 2023, many populations are still enduring the prolonged effects of climate-related displacement that took place in previous years. A few prominent examples include the drought in the Horn of Africa, flooding in Burundi and Pakistan...
The global climate system is complex. In order to unpack such complexity, the WMO State of the Global Climate usesseven Climate Indicatorsto describe the changing climate—providing a broad view of the climate at a global scale. They are used to monitor the domains most relevant to climate cha...
极地气候变化年报STATEOFPOLARCLIMATE2023 TherapidreductionofAntarcticseaicecontinuestosetnewmeltingrecords,drawingglobalattention.OnFebruary21,2023,theseaiceextent(SIE)ofAntarcticreachedanewhistoricallowof1.788×106km2,surpassingthepreviousrecordin2022.Throughoutthepastyear,theSIEofAntarctichasconsistentlyremainedatlow...
State of the Global Climate 2023关于我们 ECV International是亚欧领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构,拥有100+位行业研究、活动策划和运营专家,10+年始终致力于为客户提供高品质、国际化的商业峰会和活动服务。我们的业务范围覆盖全球,每年定期在中国、新加坡、越南、泰国、阿联酋、法国、德国等多个国家主办...
State of the climate: Growing El Niño threatens more extreme heat in 2023 Read now → Read now → The first four months of 2022 were the fifth warmest start to a year on record so far. March 2022 saw record warmth over China and large parts of southern Asia, as well as exceptio...
2023). Last year, we witnessed record-breaking sea surface temperatures (Cheng et al. 2024), the hottest Northern Hemisphere extratropical summer in 2000 years (Esper et al. 2024), and the breaking of many other climate records (Ripple et al. 2023a). Moreover, we will see much more ...
被引量: 0发表: 2023年 STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2022: THE TROPICS 2022年我国气候暖干特征明显,年平均气温偏高0.62℃,位居1961年以来历史第二高;年降水量偏少5%,为2012年以来最少,冬春季降水偏多,夏秋季降水偏少.汛期(5-9月)降水量偏... HJ Diamond,CJ Schreck - 《Bulletin of the American Meteorol...