可以把state-of-the-art翻译为中文:最先进的,最高水平的、顶级的。 转载自丨深度学习自然语言处理 链接丨https://www.zhihu.com/question/40910316 本人小硕一枚,最近在研究方向上和导师出了点分歧。 导师的大致意思是只有达到 state of the art...
-10, we achieve an error rate of 1.48%, which is 0.65% better than the previous state-of-the-art. On reduced data settings, AutoAugment performs comparably to semi-supervised methods without using any unlabeled examples. Finally, policies learned from one dataset can be transferred to work wel...
同时,在句子语义等价的NLP任务上,我们对FT-TM算法进行了进一步的具体化,在具体的实现中,预训练模型采用BERT,上层神经网络基于BIMPM[27]进行了改进,在实验4.3部分会介绍这种方法的效果,目的是说明FT-TM这种联合训练的算法相比FT-NTM能达到更好的效果,甚至能达到业界的State of the Art。在具体介绍算法之前,首先对句...
John Snow Labs' NLP & LLM ecosystem include software libraries for state-of-the-art AI at scale, Responsible AI, No-Code AI, and access to over 40,000 models for Healthcare, Legal, Finance, and Visual NLP.
CNN被广泛用于CV和NLP领域,在时间序列预测领域,An Empirical Evaluation of Generic Convolutional and ...
of 85.1, which is the best reported Cityscapes test score of all methods, beating the best...
该算法融合了NFT-TM和FT-NTM两种算法的优势,通过一系列NLP任务的实验结果表明,新算法FT-TM能取得更好的效果,而且在公开的Quora和SLNI两个问题语义等价数据集上,新算法FT-TM的效果都达到了目前的State of the Art。 01 引言 诸如BERT[1]和Open-GPT[2]等预训练语言模型的引入,为NLP研究和工业界带来了巨大的...
BERT’s key technical innovation is applying the bidirectional training of Transformer, a popular attention model, to language modelling. It has caused a stir in the Machine Learning community by presenting state-of-the-art results in a wide variety of NLP tasks. ...
同时,在句子语义等价的NLP任务上,我们对FT-TM算法进行了进一步的具体化,在具体的实现中,预训练模型采用BERT,上层神经网络基于BIMPM[27]进行了改进,在实验4.3部分会介绍这种方法的效果,目的是说明FT-TM这种联合训练的算法相比FT-NTM能达到更好的效果,甚至能达到业界的State of the Art。在具体介绍算法之前,首先对句...
每天给你送来NLP技术干货! 来自:知乎 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/40910316 zenRRan进行排版和整理,重点观点已标出。 本人小硕一枚,最近在研究方向上和导师出了点分歧。 导师的大致意思是只有达到 state of the art 精度才能发论文,风险大,我竞争不过别人。所以导师要我引入别的数据。(就像做菜,厨艺拼...