Early Settlers of New York State, 1760-1942 Early South Carolina Settlers 1600s-1800s Early Texas Settlers 1700s-1800s Early West Virginia Settlers, 1600s-1900s English Origins of New England Families, 1500s-1800s Genealogical Records: Irish Source Records, the 1500s-1800s ...
Texas House of Representatives House Committees Lieutenant Governor's Office Speaker of the House Legislative Agencies, Boards and Commissions Judicial Branch Supreme Court Court of Criminal Appeals Court of Appeals State District Courts Criminal District Courts ...
3. (Law) (in some states of the US) a public prosecutor 4. (Professions) (in some states of the US) a public prosecutor Attorney General n 1. (Law) (in the United Kingdom except Scotland) the senior law officer and chief legal counsel of the Crown: a member of the government an...
InmatesPlus has a large database of correctional facilities in the United States to help you find your inmate quickly and easily! Locate an inmate using our comprehensive catalog of links to local, state and federal government inmate databases.
1.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Britain) a tax introduced in 1986 to replace capital transfer tax, consisting of a percentage levied on that part of an inheritance exceeding a specified allowance, and scaled charges on gifts made within seven years of death ...
Washington LLC Naming Requirements Washington state law requires you to include some variation of “Limited Liability Company” as the name’s suffix. You can end your company’s name with the full “Limited Liability Company,” shorten it to “Limited Liability Co.,” or use the abbreviations ...
SSgA Singh Sabha Gurdwara of Austin (Texas) SSgA Shiawassee State Game Area (Michigan) SSgA Single Source Grant Award SSgA Southern Seniors Golf Association SSgA Sandhills Seniors Golf Association (Southern Pines, NC) SSgA South Shore Guidance Association (Massachusetts) SSgA Soka Student Government ...
Austin is the capital of the US state of Texas. It has a long history of human habitation. It also has an interesting history as first a capital of Texas as an independent nation, and later, as a capital of Texas as a state.
DSDetached Solutions(software developer for Texas Instrument graphing calculators) DSDefenders of Sovereignty(gaming clan) DSDanmarks Sportsdanserforbund(Denmark) DSDark Slayers(Runescape gaming clan) DSDanish Standards Bureau DSDecontaminating Solution ...
Property management companies that are LLCs, corporations, or other business entities, and that engage in real estate activities in their business name are often required to obtain a broker's license in the name of the firm. This is a requirement that varies depending on the state. You should...