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Property management companies that are LLCs, corporations, or other business entities, and that engage in real estate activities in their business name are often required to obtain a broker's license in the name of the firm. This is a requirement that varies depending on the state. You should...
Lisa Scott is president of the League of Women Voters of Suffolk County,a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy.For more information, visit https//
BOI report. Under the terms of the act, reporting companies are required to disclose information about their beneficial owners. This, according to the act, will help deter financial crimes by making it more difficult to hide money laundering and other illicit activities behind shell corporations. ...
STARCStudent Alliance to Reform Corporations STARCSomerset Tackling Alcohol Related Crime STARCSt. Albans Amateur Radio Club(St. Albans, Vermont) STARCSouth Texas Amateur Radio Club, Inc. STARCSaint Tammany Association for Retarded Citizens(Louisiana) ...
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