General Intangible or Commercial Tort:Moral Rights and State Based Intellectual Property as Collateral UnderUCC Revised Article. Lars S.Smith. Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal . 2005Lars S. Smith. General Intangible or Commercial Tort: Moral Rights and State Based Intellectual Property as Collateral...
New York(3,584) North Carolina(1,805) North Dakota(315) Official Federal Forms(4,184) Ohio(6,306) Oklahoma(614) Oregon(2,215) Pennsylvania(1,855) Puerto Rico(21) Rhode Island(784) South Carolina(1,192) South Dakota(424) Tennessee(1,518) ...
The success of the UCC has had little positive effect on the complicated conflicts problems which arise in the area of secured transactions. Subsection 9-103(4), drafted in 1957 to cover interstate movement of automobiles, may be the most complex, and has suffered academic criticism and ...
7Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.M. (email: Scientific Reports | 6:32462 | DOI: 10.1038...
Supporters of immigrants' rights are energized because after years of contentious fights, New Jersey and three other states passed statutes last year that will allow such students who came to the U.S. when they were minors to pay in-state tuition....
Microbiological Examination and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Microorganisms Isolated from Salt Mining Site in Ebonyi StateAnyimcC. J. AnekeJ. O. OrjiO. NworieU. C. C. Egbule
State Rep. Karen Carter, D-New Orleans, to run again in House District 93
DiNapoli says state could run out of cash