Peter Michalowski
In general, tax refunds due to you are issued within 8 weeks from the date your income tax return is filed with the Hawaii Department of Taxation. However, it may take additional time if you filed your income tax return close to the April 20 filing deadline, if errors were made in ...
The Multistate Tax alert archive includes external tax alerts issued by Deloitte Tax LLP's Multistate Tax practice during the last four years. These external alerts highlight selected developments involving state tax legislative, judicial, and administrative matters. The alerts provide a brief summ...
What can be done about it?“Knowledge is power.” “To play the game, you have to know the rules.” Tom has worked for the Hawaii Department of Taxation and then spent 16 years in the accounting firm world. We can help! ...
Fun Facts About Hawaii Nickname:Aloha State Origin of name:Uncertain. The islands may have been named by Hawaii Loa, their traditional discoverer. Or they may have been named after Hawaii or Hawaiki, the traditional home of the Polynesians. ...
Late Payment Penalty: This applies if you filed your return by the due date of Nov. 1 but did not pay all or part of your taxes due. The penalty will accumulate 6% per month, with a maximum penalty of 30%.Contact the Virginia Dep. of Taxation to apply for a Waiver of Penalty. ...
There are 12 states that base their definition of income on the federal definition of adjusted gross income (AGI) as of a specific date. These states are: Arizona California Georgia Hawaii Indiana Kentucky Maine North Carolina Pennsylvania
California, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey and Washington D.C. have some of the highest marginal state income tax rates, with each having a top tax rate above 10%. However, it's important to keep in mind that not everyone pays the highest tax rate and that state income taxes don't mak...
Address: Hawaii Department of Taxation PO Box 259 Honolulu, HI 96809-0259 Website: State of Hawaii – Department of Taxation Price: regular:$1.00 per side of a page Idaho Phone: 800-972-7660 Address: Idaho State Tax Commission PO Box 56 Boise, ID 83722-0410 Website: Idaho State Tax ...
Hawaii has 12 tax brackets, while Kansas and six other states have only three. California's progressive tax system has the highest top tax rate of 13.3%, which applies to singles with taxable incomes over $1 million and married couples with incomes over $1,396,542. North D...