PONDICHERRY, India —A silvery chime breaks the dawn stillness, the gentle summons to meditation. Through the net canopy, which bars Dracula-like mosquitoes from my bed, there is a gauzy view of blue and onyx sky and, if I crane my neck, a ruffled patch of the Bay of Bengal. There is...
Cleanliness control of advanced steels is of vital importance for quality control of the products. In order to understand and control the inclusion removal during refining process in molten steel, its motion behaviors at the multiple steel/gas/slag interfaces have attracted the attention much of meta...
Heather Wallace’s oldest son, 8-year-old Aiden, was driving his two brothers crazy in the car as they all returned from karate one afternoon in October 2021. Wallace asked Aiden to walk the rest of the way home—half a mile in quiet, suburban Waco, Texas—so that he could calm down...
One is India, where consumer confidence hit a four-year high in September 2023.2 India-based executives are more optimistic than those in Western countries, with 85 percent of respondents to McKinsey’s Global Economics Intelligence survey saying that conditions have improved in the past six ...
The liquidity squeeze in bond markets due to rising interest rates has prompted regulators to implement new rules to mitigate these risks. Recent financial crises, such as the collapses of Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley Bank, have underscored the critical need for effective crisis management ...
”James G. Ray,vice president and chief pilot of the Autogiro Company of America, landed the AC-35 in a small downtown park in Washington. D.C. on Oct. 2, 1936; at right, a still image from a 1936 film,Things to Come,which showed people of the year 2036 getting around in auto...
The Yamuna River is the principal tributary of the Ganga in the northern regions of India. It is sometimes referred to as the Jamuna or the Jumna. The percentage distribution of the major tributaries is shown in Fig.2, with Hindon having the lowest proportion (2%) and Chambal having the ...
R&D pipelines are finally filling up. Take long-duration energy storage. Many renewable sources of energy—specifically solar and wind—are intermittent: not always on. But we still need to be able to generate power on demand, so we need to store it when the sun is shining and the wind ...
The extensive use of pesticide causes imbalance in properties of soil, water and air environments due to having problem of natural degradation. Such chemic
And as air temperatures increase, so do the ocean temperatures. Although ocean temperatures do not rise as fast or as much, small differences can have big effects for the animals and plants that live in them.Global temperatures are rising because we are producing higher levels of greenhouse ...