Tonkon Torp celebrates another victory for the Oregon State Bar (OSB) in the ongoing challenge presented in Gruber v. Oregon State Bar and Crowe v. Oregon State Bar. The cases were initiated in 2018 by lawyers to dispute Oregon’s law requiring membership in the bar as a condition of ...
In April2022, an Oregon healthcare facility filed a lawsuit with the federal court system to overturn the state’s detailed meal and rest break rules. The facility is attempting to avoid nearly$100 million in finesdue to persistent violations of employee meal and rest break rights datingback to...
There is little research, however, to support that changing the scope of bargaining will result in different bargaining outcomes. This study undertakes this quest.; In 1995, the Oregon legislature passed the first major changes to the Oregon Public Sector Collective Bargaining Act, including ...
Moreover, because most employers are governing by at-will laws in all states but Montana, employers are only required to give employees prior notice of a layoff if there is an individual employment agreement or collective bargaining agreement. However, some states have laws that provide employees...
Oregon Employers with 10+ employees (unpaid if fewer than 10)All employees of companies with 10+ employees (unpaid if fewer than 10)Discover how Paid Leave Oregon impacts employees and employers. 40 hours1 hour for every 30 hours. Frontloading is permitted. Annual accrual cap is 40 hours. ...
This piece outlines the issues facing Oregon and also explains some of the deadlines involved. If lawmakers don’t enact a state lege map by July 1 (or the governor vetoes it), then the task falls to Secretary of State Kate Brown, a Democrat. This is typically what’s happened in the...
According toNew York State laws,employers with ten or more employees must pay the first $40 of the employee’s regular daily wages for the first three days of jury duty. Oregon In Oregon, it’s common for employers to have internal policies that mandate regular pay for employees on jury ...
All employers, regardless of size, must provide paid sick leave to employees who work for them at least 30 days. However, there are exemptions. Air carrier companies and employers who have a collective bargaining agreement with employees may not have to provide state-mandated paid sick leave. ...
New Hampshire:Public employers in New Hampshire can offer comp time as an alternative to overtime pay. To qualify, employees must be covered by a pre-negotiated collective bargaining agreement from the start of their employment. Employees have the right to request the use of their accrued comp ...
Streamline all aspects of recruiting and hiring so you can discover new candidates, quickly fill open positions, and provide engaging onboarding. Recruiting Software Find quality candidates, communicate via text, and get powerful analytics. Automated Talent Sourcing ...