The large genetic heterogeneity, intrinsic to ID-related disorders, as well as the absence of a specific inheritance pattern, especially when there is only one affected family member, can hamper the selection of the gene to target. To interrogate a large number of genes in a single step, tack...
59. Lake NJ, Compton AG, Rahman S, Thorburn DR. Leigh syndrome: one disorder, more than 75 monogenic causes. Ann Neurol. 2016;79(2):190–203. 60. Naviaux RK, Nguyen KV. POLG mutations associated with Alp‑ ers' syndrome and mitochondrial DNA depletion. Ann Neurol. 2004;55(5):706...
Applied Multivariate Techniques, 1st ed.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 1995; pp. 317–342. [Google Scholar] Wilbik, A.; Kaymak, U. Linguistic Summarization of Processes–a research agenda. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems ...
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11 July 2018 Abstract: The Noble–Abel Stiffened-Gas (NASG) equation of state (Le Métayer, O. and Saurel, R. proposed in 2016) is extended to variable attractive and repulsive effects to improve the liquid phase accuracy when large temperature and pressure variation ranges are under considerat...
processes Review Commercial Thermal Technologies for Desalination of Water from Renewable Energies: A State of the Art Review Jhon Jairo Feria-Díaz 1,2,* , María Cristina López-Méndez 1 , Juan Pablo Rodríguez-Miranda 3, Luis Carlos Sandoval-Herazo 1 and Felipe Correa-Mahecha 4 1 División ...
NABA-Xerces Fourth of July Butterfly Counts 1993 Report; North American Butterfly Association: Morristown, NJ, USA, 1994. • Powell, J.A.; Sorenson, J.T. (Eds.) 1979 Butterfly Count Results; Supplement to Atala Volume 7 (August 1980); The Xerces Society: Berkeley, CA, USA, 1980. ...