Birth Certificates Marriage Certificates Death Certificates Divorce Decree Single Status Affidavit Background Checks (Local, State, FBI) Power of Attorney Copy of U.S. Passport Copy of Driver License Transcripts Diplomas Authorization Letter Travel Consent Letter Articles of Incorporation Certificate of Good...
In addition, you may need to submit new supporting documents, such as a new medical examination and police certificate. Please be prepared to return your unused, expired visa and visa package (if applicable). Requests to reissue or replace visas are considered on a case-by-case basis, and ...
Central African Republic state radio announces first official marriage of HIV-positive couple
He’ll focus his energies on defeating members of the Iowa Supreme Court, in retaliation for its gay marriage ruling. • MN-Gov: If there’s one campaign out there in need of a shakeup, it’s Tom Emmer’s, as polls have made clear that the GOP gubernatorial nominee’s trajectory ...
He’ll focus his energies on defeating members of the Iowa Supreme Court, in retaliation for its gay marriage ruling. • MN-Gov: If there’s one campaign out there in need of a shakeup, it’s Tom Emmer’s, as polls have made clear that the GOP gubernatorial nominee’s trajectory ...
Schedule M1MA: Marriage Credit Schedule M1CWFC: Minnesota Child and Working Family Credits Schedule M1CD: Child and Dependent Care Credit Schedule M1RENT: Renter's Credit Schedule M1ED: Minnesota K-12 Education Credit Schedule M1529: Education Savings Acct Contribution Credit or Subtraction ...
Name Change Document if any of your supporting documentation is in a different name (Acceptable forms are marriage certificate, divorce decree or court order) Official Transcript (if in a language other than English, a certified translation is required) ** official transcript must be mailed to our...
• NH-Sen, NH-Gov (UNH): Kelly Ayotte (R) 54%, Paul Hodes (D) 36%; John Lynch (D-inc) 49%, John Stephen (R) 41% • ID-01 (Greg Smith): Walt Minnick (D-inc) 48%, Raul Labrador (R) 38% • Fox/Pulse: • CO-Sen, CO-Gov: Ken Buck (R) 50%, Michael Bennet...
He’ll focus his energies on defeating members of the Iowa Supreme Court, in retaliation for its gay marriage ruling. • MN-Gov: If there’s one campaign out there in need of a shakeup, it’s Tom Emmer’s, as polls have made clear that the GOP gubernatorial nominee’s trajectory ...