Full definitions can be found on the NUCC Taxonomy Code lookup site. Note that individuals may have only one NPI record/number (unless they also have a separate legal business entity), but may have up to 15 taxonomies on that record. Organizations may have as many NPI records/numbers as ...
Second, notify the Office of the Commissioner or Insurance Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, Industrial Loan Division (404-656-2078). At the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, you will find a complaint form and a wizard to help you complete the form. You either mail or fax ...
s licenseConcealed weapons & permitsConstruction by stateConstruction zone laws by stateConsumer informationFederal regulations - Title 49First aideFormsFuel prices & updatesFuel tax by stateHazardous materialsHealth informationHealth insuranceIdentity theft & fraudLeft lane restrictions by stateMobile road &...