This year’s report presents a difficult outlook ahead, as fashion companies face challenges and revise forecasts downward after an exceptionally strong 2021, per McKinsey analysis of global data in the fashion industry. Inflation and geopolitical concerns dominate the agenda for 2023, negatively affecti...
The segmentation of retinal vasculature from eye fundus images is a fundamental task in retinal image analysis. Over recent years, increasingly complex approaches based on sophisticated Convolutional Neural Network architectures have been pushing perform
However, the development of SSLSBs has been historically plagued by the insulating nature of sulfur4,5 and the poor interfacial contacts induced by its large volume change during cycling6,7, impeding charge transfer among different solid components. Here we report an S9.3I molecular crystal with ...
A key finding is that retirement is more fluid and often includes work. Almost half (45%) of those who say they are retired also report engaging in some form of paid work. Also, 35% of those saying they are retired report they may go back to work at some point, and 15% of those...
interaction region indicator (IRI), a natural space function. The sign(λ2)pfunction is coloured on IRI isosurfaces to illustrate the nature of interaction regions. A decrease in sign(λ2)pis indicated by the colour bar changing from red to green and then to blue, which implies a notable ...
The authors first published the conceptual foundation in which they described the goal of food system transformation as “a future where all people have access to healthy diets, produced in sustainable, resilient ways that restore nature and deliver just and equitable livelihoods”1. They developed ...
The selected insect families and their seasonal dynamics in the Mordovia State nature reserve in the burned areas of 2021Ruchin, Alexander B.Journal of Wildlife & Biodiversity (JWB)
The nature of the insulating ground state often reveals the dominant interactions in the superconductor, as shown by the importance of the properties of La2CuO4 in understanding the high-temperature-superconducting cuprates. The A3C60 alkali metal fullerides are superconducting systems in which the...
Large-scale brain states or distributed patterns of brain activity modulate downstream processing and behavior. Sustained attention and memory retrieval states impact subsequent memory, yet how these states relate to one another is unclear. I hypothesize
Emotional states influence bodily physiology, as exemplified in the top-down process by which anxiety causes faster beating of the heart1–3. However, whether an increased heart rate might itself induce anxiety or fear responses is unclear3–8. Physiolog