30 Kesang Choden Bhutan Regent (1972) 21 May 1930 94 years 219 days 13 August 2022[31] 31 Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada Bolivia President (1993–1997; 2002–2003) 1 July 1930 94 years 178 days 18 June 2023[32] 32 Ivy Dumont Bahamas Acting Governor-General (2001–2002)Governor-General...
4) Any state (which I took to mean not only political sub-units of the U.S., such as Michigan or Pennsylvania, but the nation-state, as well) that cannot ensure a fair election deserves no respect whatsoever. Exactly on point 4. I’d say there’s some blackmail and maybe fear but ...
The area of occurrence has continuously declined and the extinction of local populations has occurred during the last few decades, with muggers being extinct in the wild in Bangladesh, Bhutan (in the 1960s) and Myanmar (the last reported sightings took place in 1867 to 1868) (Figure 1) [1...