State budget forecasters project extra money on the state’s bottom line in the next two years, but there are warning signs of a potential big deficit in the future.
Yaros said. But, he added, "The research we've done, which has shown how lower-income folks have seen their share of spending toward discretionary spending permanently reduced because of the inflation shock, that would argue in favor of people fixating on the high price levels, still being...
Connecticut (CT) State Gov’t Contracts and BidsMinnesota (MN) State Government Contracts and BidsSouth Carolina (SC) State Gov Contracts and Bids Delaware (DE) State Government Contracts and BidsMississippi (MS) State Government Contracts and BidsSouth Dakota (SD) State Gov Contracts and Bids ...
Justice offered the pay raises in December, citing the state's budget surplus. For the first seven months of the fiscal year, it was about $531 million above the year-to-date estimate. According to the National Education Association, West Virginia ranks 36th in average sta...
Minnesota Historical Society // Getty Images 1924: Iodine is added to table salt Producers began voluntarilyadding iodine to saltin the U.S. in 1924 in an effort to curb the number of Americans with goiter. The move was promoted by many national health organizations, such as the American Med...
Located in the midwestern part of the United States, Iowa is known for its rolling landscapes and rich soils of grasslands and high prairie plains.Minnesotalies to the north,WisconsinandIllinoisto the east, Missouri to the south, andNebraskaandSouth Dakotato the west of Iowa. The Mississippi Ri...
The speech was delivered to the Maine Legislature in the second part of Mills' annual address. Hours earlier, she released a letter to lawmakers to address her upcoming supplemental budget and other proposals. In her letter, Mills urged fiscal restraint after sev...
And his presumed endgame is full-scale annexation of the entirety of Ukraine. "Putin has hinted at wanting to ‘restore’ Russian or Soviet borders and questioned the legitimacy of Ukraine as a state," said Tanisha M. Fazal, a University of Minnesota political scientist. "Putin may circle ...
Minnesota Historical Society // Getty Images 1924: Iodine is added to table salt Producers began voluntarily adding iodine to salt in the U.S. in 1924 in an effort to curb the number of Americans with goiter. The move was promoted by many national health organizations, such as the American...
Four days after it was issued, Broome County has lifted the State of Emergency put in place when a late season winter storm dumped several inches of heavy, wet snow on the region bringing down trees and numerous power lines. Get our free mobile app A ban on travel was put into place po...