State of Michigan, Public Act 525 of 2014. Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated (MCL) 333.5110. Effective Date: January 14, 2015. 2014/publicact/pdf/2014-PA-0525.pdfCommunity Health Administration, State of Michigan. The Florida cancer inci-...
Note: See MCL § 338.1052 for the definition of security alarm system and contact LARA with questions about applicability. Surveillance Regulated by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Licensing resources Licensing verification Licensing applications Note: See MCL § 338.1052 for the definition...
Michigan’spubliclibrariesundertheAct.Thus,itisvitalthatlibrariesunderstandhow theymaybeaffectedbytheAct. Section3,oftheAct,MCL445.83,prohibitslocallegalentitieslikelibraries from:intentionallydisplayingpubliclymorethanfoursequentialdigitsofasocial securitynumber,theuseofmorethanfoursequentialdigitsasanindividual’saccount...
MichiganDepartmentofNaturalResources EVENTAPPLICATION/PERMITTOUSESTATELAND ThisinformationisrequiredunderauthorityofPart5ofAct451of1994,asamended, MCL324.501-511andtheRulesfortheRegulationofStateLands,R299.921–R299.932. DNRUSEONLY ManagementUnit PermitNumber APPLICANT:Pleasereadallattachmentsbeforecompletingapplication....
The Michigan State Fair needs your help. The nations oldest state fair and one of Michigan's most treasured traditions is in danger of being “blown away”. Established in 1849, the Michigan State Fair was over 160 years old when an ill considered decision was made to stop holding the annu...
School of Public Health, University of Michigan. pp 1–7 Okpara EC, Fayemi OE, Wojuola OB, Onwudiwe DC, Ebenso EE (2022) Electrochemical detection of selected heavy metals in water: a case study of African experiences. RSC Adv 12:26319–26361. ...
Michigan's current Coat of Arms was adopted by the Legislature in 1911. (MCL 2.21) It is identical to the Great Seal of Michigan with the legend or circle, The Great Seal of the State of Michigan, A.D. MDCCCXXXV, omitted. Unlike the Great Seal, the Coat of Arms may be printed on...
"Under MCL 169.257(a), and otherwise as protected under the constitution of the United States and the State of Michigan, I am entitled to express my views as any other citizen with regard to persons running for office. Explicitly, MCL 169.257 recognizes that subsection (1), relied on b...
Civil Service Commission means the commission required under Section 5 of Article XI of the Michigan Constitution of 1963. Public Utilities Act means the Illinois Public Utilities Act, 220 ILCS 5. Planning Commission means the City’s Planning Commission. Commission means the United States Securities...
Michigan state housing development authority means the Michigan state housing development authority created under section 21 of the state housing development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1421. Hospitals means either an employee when engaged in repairs, demolition and / or maintenance in...