What’s happening:Eight-term Rep.Yvette Clarkeis running for reelection in a Brooklyn district that encompasses Crown Heights, Brownsville and Midwood. Clarke has deep ties to the Brooklyn political class – her mother was the first Caribbean-born member of the New York City Council, and she’s...
The nation's first oil well was dug at Titusville in 1859, and the mining of iron ore and coal led to the development of the state's steel industry. More recently Pennsylvania's industry has diversified, although the state still leads the country in the production of specialty steel. The ...
a state in the E United States, on the Atlantic coast. 8,414,350; 7836 sq. mi. (20,295 sq. km).Cap.:Trenton.Abbr.:NJ,N.J. New` Jer′sey•an, New` Jer′sey•ite`,n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, ...
IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA WORLD RADIO CONTACT: chris@freedomfightersforamerica.com or chris@walkingtall.us "Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itse...
Geographic center:In Sanpete County, 3 miles north of Manti Number of counties:29 Largest county by population and area:Salt Lake County, 1,186,257 (2021); San Juan County, 7,820 sq mi. State parks/recreation areas:43 Seeadditional census data ...
Define state bird. state bird synonyms, state bird pronunciation, state bird translation, English dictionary definition of state bird. n. a bird chosen as an official symbol of a U.S. state. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010
In response to the high incidence of AIDS, the AIDS Institute and the New York State Department of Correctional Services introduced the Criminal Justice Initiative. Teams of counselors from the AIDS Institute began offering educational programs and confidential pretest counseling, ...
EPA states that it is issuing final decisions resulting from its technology review of the HON and the P&R I and P&R II NESHAP, and its review of the NSPS that apply to the SOCMI. EPA is also amending the NSPS for equipment leaks of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in SOCMI based on ...
Distribution of raw milk and any other raw dairy products through a herdshare agreement is legal by statute. Arizona— Retail sales of raw milk are legal as well as sales of cream butter yogurt and kefir; a license is required. The state department of agriculture takes the position that ...
Access key corrections administrators, decision makers and the agencies that serve them. Comprehensive contact information from county jails to state and federal prisons. This unique list has been created using our National Directory of Law Enforcement Administrators database to provide quality, updated ...