Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan issueda stay-at-home orderthat went into effect March 30. The state previously closed nonessential businesses on March 23. "We are no longer asking or suggesting that Marylanders stay home; we are directing them to do so," Hogan said at a press conference. Tho...
Maryland State Department of Education Skip to Main Content. Study of Adequacy of Funding for Education in the State Of Maryland. Maryland High School Graduation Task Force. Directory of Maryland Public Education. Research and Strategic Data Use. Educator Certification and Accreditation. Every Student ...
Ohio State was sidelined last week because of an outbreak of COVID-19 within the Maryland program that cancelled their contest. Still, this is clearly the best team in the Big Ten and this may be the last competitive game the Buckeyes will face before the conference title game. Justin Field...
To qualify, prospective students must enroll in a Maryland community college within two years of finishing high school or obtaining a GED. Students would have to take 12 credit hours and have a high school GPA of at least 2.3. The program will go into effect in 2019BREAKING...
Meanwhile, Prince George’s has 70% less of a delegate than it merits based on population. Prince George’s together with the three southern Maryland counties of Charles, Calvert and St. Mary’s together merit an additional delegate based on population. The Eastern Shore as a whole is also ...
The ceremony was the latest in a series of public remembrances. Pelosi, who counted Lewis as a close friend, met his casket earlier Monday at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, and Lewis's motorcade stopped at Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House as it wound through Washington before ...