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STATEOFMARYLAND Matricciani, Watts, Raker,IrmaS. (Retired,speciallyassigned), JJ. OpinionbyRaker,J. Filed:May31,2012 MarkTerrillRich,appellant,challengesthesufficiencyoftheevidencetosupporthis convictionsintheCircuitCourtforCarolineCountyfortheoffensesofpossessionwith ...
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced the appointments of two judges to the state’s highest court on Thursday.
CircuitCourtforMontgomeryCounty CriminalCase#98303 INTHECOURTOFAPPEALSOF MARYLAND No.129 SeptemberTerm,2003 StateofMaryland v. CharlesRaines Bell,C.J.RakerWilnerCathellHarrellBattagliaGreene, JJ. OpinionbyCathell,J. RakerandWilner,JJ.,concurBell,C.J.,HarrellandGreene,JJ.,dissent ...
…if you preferred the stronger stuff, you could take the advice of cartoonist Peter Arno and Penn Maryland Whiskey, here making a play on words with the title of the 1925 novel (and Broadway play) Gentleman Prefer Blondes… …here’s Arno again, with a touching moment among the upper cr...
A consent to adopt may be withdrawn within 10 calendar days after it is signed or the child is born, whichever is later, by filing an affidavit with the probate clerk of the circuit court in the county designated by the consent as the county in which the guardianship petition will be file...
Ruling of the Maryland Circuit Court in the case of MCI International Telecommunications Corp.; Liability of Kmart Properties for the New Mexico income, franchise and gross receipts tax.WiesnerPhilipJ.Tax Adviser
Trial Courts by County. Trial Courts by District. List of Jury Commissioners. Colorado Jury Service Video. Self Help ⁄ Forms. All Court Forms and Instructions. Formularios e instrucciones judiciales en español. Dependency and Neglect Advisement. Re
(Apparently it actually was an option if no one could be found willing to foot the legal bill for a trip to the 9th Circuit.) So now the 2010 election really, truly is over. And in case Miller was going to get any bright ideas about what do to in 2012, Rep. Don Young (no ...
State and local governments often own and maintain abandoned railroad rights-of-way. The Supreme Court usually takes cases where at least two federal circuit courts of appeals have ruled differently on the same issue. InMarvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States,the Tenth Circuit ruled in...