State Health Assessment: Public Health Data: Maine CDC; DHHS MaineMaine Department of Health tm 866-796-2463 MarylandSeniorPrescriptionDrug AssistanceProgram(SPDAP) http://.marylandspdap/800-551-5995 © 2013 Medicare Rights Center MassachusettsPrescriptionAdvantage ...
In the state of Maine, Massage Therapist licensing and regulation is overseen by the Maine Massage Therapy Regulatory Board. You cannot operate and advertise as a massage therapist and you cannot offer massage therapy services unless you are licensed with the Department of Professional and Financial...
State eager to resolve obstacle to DHHS move ; The Maine AG has until Jan. 24 to file documents countering a claim that officials scored bids unfairly.KELLEY BOUCHARD Staff Writer
State deciding fate of MaineCare rides broker ; As DHHS reviews data from troubled CTS, a nonprofit group is set to deliver 400 petitions demanding fixes to the deficient system.JOE LAWLOR Staff Writer
MaineGeneral plans a new hospital ; To move forward, the Augusta project must get a certificate of need through the state DHHS.KEITH EDWARDS
Maine Family Planning appeals repayment order of $184,000 ; The state says the DHHS overpaid the nonprofit for services provided on the same days as abortions.BETTY ADAMS