Is marijuana legal in the state of Indiana? The simple answer is no. However, there is proposed legislation that would make possession of a small amount of weed legal. Even decriminalizing an ounce or two is a far cryfrom legalizing the sale, like in Illinoisand dozens of other states. ...
Legal Encyclopedia In·di·an·a (ĭn′dē-ăn′ə)Abbr.INorInd. A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 19th state in 1816. The area was controlled by France until 1763 and by Great Britain until 1783. The Indiana Territory was formed in 1800. Indianapol...
Indiana Legal Restrictions Give Edge to Out-of-State Casinos ; COMMUNITY COMMENTFor almost 20 years now, Indiana's gaming industry has been a key generator of tax revenue for...Boots, Phil
Indiana’s legislature approved changes to more than 100 sections of the state’slaws governing business entitiesin 2023, including new provisions regarding assignees of LLCs and a new chapter in the UCC concerning controllable electronic records, including blockch...
Indiana Contracting Legislation: Senate Bill 231(Signed into law on March 6, 2012). The law prohibits people or entities that invest more than $20 million in goods, services or credit in the Iranian energy sector from entering or renewing contracts with Indiana State or local governmental entitie...
On April 23, 2008, lawyers and business leaders gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana, for a one day conference entitled, A Summit on the Global Economy, the Rule of Law and Their Effects on Indiana. The Summit was an initiative of the World Justice Project of the American Bar Association (ABA...
Southern University Student's Death Being Investigated as a Possible Act of Fraternity Hazing The death of a 20-year-old Southern University student in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is being investigated by law enforcement as a possible act of fraternity hazing ...
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey Alabama Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board 2715 Gunter Park Drive West Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: 334/271-3840 Fax: 334/277-2150 ...
The expansion of legal rights to same-sex couples is afoot in a number of Western countries. The effects of this rollout are not only important in their own right but can also provide a window on the institution of marriage and the right... ...
Indiana Marijuana Laws: Medical (CBD) It is illegal to possess, use, purchase, sell, or cultivate marijuana in Indiana for medical or recreational purposes.43It has been legal to use cannabis extracts high in CBD both for treating qualifying conditions and recreational purposes since 2017 and 201...