If you have not received your refund after four weeks, you may call Taxpayer Services at (808)587-4242 or 1-800-222-3229 (Jan. - April 20). Visit Hawaii Department of Taxation to check the status of your tax refund. Hawaii Department of Taxation ...
Select Hawaii and the Hawaii tax form. At the very top you will see Dates for Part-year filers, the beginning date can not be greater than the end date. Make the change and re-efile again at no charge. If you have questions, please contact us as soon as possible so we can assist ...
How to check the status of your state tax refund online, including links to the relevant page of your state tax authority.
AZ-Arizona AR-Arkansas CA-California CO-Colorado CT-Connecticut DE-Delaware DC-District of Columbia FL-Florida GA-Georgia HI-Hawaii ID-Idaho IL-Illinois IN-Indiana IA-Iowa KS-Kansas KY-Kentucky LA-Louisiana MA-Maine MD-Maryland ME-Massachusetts MI-Michigan MN-Minnesota MS-Mississippi MO-Missouri...
How do I track my state tax refund status? Each state governs their own refund, so you will need to go to your state's tax authority website. Find the link you need for your state in this article.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Click to expand Key Takeaways For 2023, states with high income tax ratesinclude California at 13.3%, Hawaii at 11%, and New York at 10.9%, with several others not far behind. Tax-free living?Eight states say 'yes' to no personal income tax, including Alaska, Florida...
While not a true millionaire's tax, Hawaii taxes its rich 11% percent on all income over $200,000 for single filers, and Rhode Island imposes a 5.99 percent tax rate on income over $145,600 regardless of filing status. Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Vermont and...
The Multistate Tax alert archive includes external tax alerts issued by Deloitte Tax LLP's Multistate Tax practice during the last three years.
H&R Block®is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc. 55 Days 15 Hours 4 Minutes 59 Seconds Ask me yourTax Questions Not a Digital Assistant There seems to be a problem with TaxChat, please try or reload the page again. Should it not get resolvedplease contact usso we can assis...
Hawaii Indiana Kentucky Maine North Carolina Pennsylvania Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Californiaprovides tax-free status for death and disability discharges through January 1, 2026. Public service loan forgiveness is tax-free inCalifornia, as is forgiveness connected to an income-driven repayment plan...