If you want to know if someone has a criminal record, accessing public records is another option. Public records are documents and information that are available to the general public. These can include court records, arrest records, and other legal documents. One way to access public records i...
The Multistate Tax alert archive includes external tax alerts issued by Deloitte Tax LLP's Multistate Tax practice during the last four years. These external alerts highlight selected developments involving state tax legislative, judicial, and administrative matters. The alerts provide a brief summ...
Compliance- get updates on the latest regulation changes. Templates- streamline your operations with best-practice templates. Federal and state minimum wage changes in 2025
Hawaii doesn’t have a ton of options, but what they do have isn’t terrible. The worst thing about Chaminade University is that it’s pretty expensive. Then again, everything in Hawaii is pretty expensive! Students walk away with $26,468 worth of student loans, but only 5.6% defaults—...
Patsy Takemoto Mink became the first woman of color elected to Congress when she won one of Hawaii's seats in the House of Representatives in 1964. She served until 1977, advocating for the rights of women, immigrants, and children. Mink also worked hard to pass Title IX, which increased ...
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